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Yael test examines knowledge in Hebrew and is intended for examinees whose first language is not Hebrew.
There are two ways to take the Yael test: right after the psychometric test (without additional payment) or separately from the psychometric test (with payment).
In addition it is possible to take the Yael-net test online via an academic institution. The examinee must check possible dates and method of registration with the institution itself.
Yael test can be taken once every 35 days.

The course is subsidized
Contact us to check eligibility for a subsidy


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Preparation for winter exam 2024
Preparation for Yael
Starts on 03.11.2024
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Preparation for Yael
Starts on 29.10.2024
How do we teach?

Frontal lessons

Our lessons cover all the relevant topics of the test’s two main sections: multiple-choice questions and a writing assignment.

Preparatory psychometric books

Our Yael study kit includes a preparatory book and three complete tests. We believe that we have the most updated and comprehensive kit, which provides our students with a significant advantage on the Yael test.

Access to OK’s studying portal

After the registration, our students are given access to OK’s studying portal, which allows them to practice Yael-net tests online.

Personal attention

We provide personal attention for each student, as well as unique tips and strategy development in order to ensure success on the test.

About the test

The preparatory course for the Yael/ Yael-net test is intended for those with previous knowledge and a basic level of Hebrew.

The purpose of Yael test is to determine the examinees' level of Hebrew language. The Yael test is separate from the psychometric test and its score is not a part of the psychometric score. The Yael test is intended for examinees who take the psychometric test in a language other than Hebrew, as well as those who do not have an Israeli Bagrut (with an emphasis on Hebrew and literature subjects).

The test consists of two main sections; the first one consists of multiple-choice questions (4 answer choices for each question) and the second part is a short writing assignment. In the multiple-choice section there are three parts, two of which are included in the final score and the third is intended for statistical analysis (“pilot”). In each part there are three types of questions – sentence completion, restatements and reading comprehension.


An examinee who has registered for a non-Hebrew psychometric test can take the Yael test without additional payment or additional registration. At the end of the psychometric test, the examiners will suggest that anyone interested in taking the Yael test do so right away.

An examinee who has not taken the psychometric test, but is required to take the Yael test, can get the registration form by directly contacting the National Institute of Testing and Evaluation (NITE).

How are the scores calculated?

The score is calculated in three steps:

(1) Calculation of the score in the multiple-choice questions:

The total of the correct answers is the raw score. In order to enable a comparison between examinees who have been examined on different dates and versions, the raw scores are translated into a uniform scale of 50-150.

(2) Calculation of the writing assignment’s score:

The writing assignment is scored by two evaluators according to four criteria: content, structure, richness of language and suitability of language.

(3) Calculation of the final score:

The final score (also called “the general score”) is a weighted average, in which the scores on the multiple-choice section determines 2/3 and the score on the writing assignment determines 1/3.

The significance of the score

The Yael test does not have a grade of “pass” or “fail”. The scores are used to determine whether the examinee will be required to take Hebrew courses as part of the academic studies, and if so – at what level. For some educational institutions the score of Yael test is one of the entrance requirements, and usually, there is also a requirement to finish “rama vav” (רמה ו') in Ulpan by the end of the first academic year.

Score notification to educational institutions

The scores are automatically reported within 45 days of the test date to: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Bar-Ilan University, Haifa University, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv University and the Technion. During the registration process the examinee can select additional institutions to be notified. Note that NITE will not notify any institution other than those listed above and those selected during registration.

Score notification to examinees

The scores are reported to the examinees either via email or the Israeli post, within 45 days of the test date, according to the address written on the registration form. If the examinee agrees to receive the score via email – the score will be reported this way only. Otherwise, the score will be posted to the given address.

OK students can also receive their results on our site, around the same time the educational institutions receive notification, using their ID and reference (“asmachta”) number. The reference (“asmachta”) number either appears on the test registration confirmation (for examinees who registered online at NITE’s site) or at the top of the "קבלה לנבחן" attachment (for examinees who registered via the bank registration form). Note that NITE does not give out reference numbers by phone, therefore make sure to keep your reference number (“asmachta”) at least until you receive your test result.

Summons for retesting

During the evaluation of the test, routine checks are made in order to ensure that every score is a true reflection of the examinee’s abilities. In some cases, NITE has difficulty evaluating a test due to inconsistent results or on account of technical issues. In any case where a doubt arises concerning the reliability of a test, the examinee will be summoned for a retest at NITE’s office in Jerusalem. The original score will be frozen until the issue is resolved. NITE will decide on further steps only after the retest. A summons for a retest is usually sent in writing to the relevant examinees within six weeks of the test date, however it may be sent later.

Reduced price for Olim students

The OK Training Center is an official partner of the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration.

We run Yael Exam Preparation Courses in class and remotely.

Olim students (who have recently made Aliyah) are eligible for a reduced price for the Yael Preparation Course (subsidy of The Student Authority for Olim).

The cost for the student is 75 shekels.

To check if you are eligible for a subsidy, fill out the following form or contact us by phone.


Contact us

For information and registration

Telephone lines are open on Sundays-Thursdays, from 10:00 to 16:00

To check your eligibility for a subsidy you can contact us or
one of the regional Offices of Student Affairs.

Tel Aviv: tastudents@moia.gov.il
Jerusalem: jrstudents@moia.gov.il
Haifa: hastudents@moia.gov.il
Beer Sheva: bsstudents@moia.gov.il
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